Curriculum: 2 years, 71 credits

  • Credits Required for Admission: 82
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Undergraduate Phase  
LS 301 Molecular Biology 3
LS 331 Immunology 3
MLS 300 Intro to Medical Lab Science 1
MLS 312 Clinical Microbiology I 4
MLS 323 Clinical Chemistry I 3.5
MLS 341 Clinical Hematology I 3
MLS 351 Immunohematology I 3
LS 310 Intro to Molecular Diagnostics 2
LS 540 Current Resrch in Biosciences 3
MLS 313 Clinical Microbiology II 3.5
MLS 324 Clinical Chemistry II 3
MLS 343 Clinical Hematology II 3
MLS 352 Immunohematology 3
MLS 376 Urinalysis and Body Fluids 3
Second Year
Graduate Phase  
LS 603 Research Design 2
LS 640 Methods in Bioscience Edu 3
MLS 812 Med Lab Sci Practicum I 3
MLS 813 Med Lab Sci Practicum II 3
Program-Approved Electives 3
LS 610 Reg & Fis Issues in Lab. Mgmt 3
LS 803 Contemporary Topics Research 2 2
MLS 575 Medical Laboratory Science Sem 2
MLS 814 Med Lab Sci Practicum III 3
MLS 815 Med Lab Sci Practicum IV 3
MLS 816 Comprehensive Exam 0
MLSO 577 Laboratory Inform Fundamentals (OR LS 698 Special Topics in Lab Instructions) 3
 Total Credits71

To meet entry-level competency requirements for immunology credits, students entering as certified cytotechnology graduates who have not completed three credits in immunology are required to enroll in LS 531 Immunology. Certified cytotechnology graduates who have completed three credits of immunology may enroll in a program-approved elective. 


To meet the research requirement, students may take a classroom literature review-based course (LS 803 Contemporary Topics Research) or, under special circumstances, engage in a two-semester wet bench research project with a selected PI (LS 804 Experimental Research I and LS 805 Experimental Research II). Students must meet with their faculty advisor and/or program director to determine which option best meets their educational goals. LS 804 Experimental Research I and LS 805 Experimental Research II are not a substitute for nor may run concurrently with practica courses.


Program approval and minimum course grade requirements must be met to register for LS 644 Laboratory Ed and Instruction.