GRPH 3XX:  Graph Design Designated Elec  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
GRPH 102:  Intro to Graphic Design  
This course is an introduction to the design process through methods, materials and vocabulary used in the Graphic and Web Design professions. This studio course emphasizes form analysis; visual abstraction; communication methods; visual metaphor, and concepts in design
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Studio  
GRPH 110:  Digital Imagn for Graphic Desg  
This course introduces Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop as they are used in the graphic design industry. Students work through a series of exercises and projects exploring the image creation and manipulation abilities of Photoshop and Illustrator followed by an introduction of InDesign as a page layout program
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 201:  Design III for Graph Dsgn Comm  
This course introduces the student to typography and its uses through sequential studies to support the building of a visual vocabulary. Students will examine the individual letterform, letters in combination, and large bodies of text with a concentration on the grid, hierarchy, legibility, and clarity of conceptual communication
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 102 or DSGF 203 or ARFD 102 or INDD 102 or ARDS 102 or ARCH 102 or INTD 102 or LARC 102 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: By Appointment - 1 student, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 202:  Design IV for Graph Dsgn Comm  
This course will build on learning objectives and typographic skills. Emphasis will be placed on the complex interplay of visual meaning and form and typographic sensitivity within a historical context
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 201 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: By Appointment - 1 student, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 206:  Design History Study Abroad  
Design History Study Abroad will provide students with the opportunity to experience first-hand and in person, accounts of extraordinary international designers, important design movements and architecture dating from the mid- 1700's to the present day. Learning about these contributions to international culture, art and design history-outside of the textbooks, outside of the classroom, and in full color-will help to bring the foundation of understanding of design to life. Studying abroad will allow the student to experience the past while obtaining inspiration and insight into the future
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: (VDES 101 or ARFD 101) and (DRAW 101 or VDRW 101) and (HIST 114 or DBTU 114 or AMST 114) and (WRIT 101 or WRIT 101G) [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
GRPH 208:  History of Graphic Design  
This course will chronicle the evolution of modern Graphic Design through an in-depth survey of human visual communication, beginning with the invention of writing and communication, through the creation of the Gutenberg Press and culminating with the study of the contemporary digital age. Discussion will focus on the function of Graphic Design to communicate and meet human needs with an emphasis on the influence of technology and the evolving role of design in business.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: (WRIT 101 or WRIT 101G or WRIT 101S) and (ARTH 101 or ARTH 102 or ARTH 103) [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: By Appointment - 1 student, Lecture  
GRPH 301:  Design V for Graph Design Comm  
This course will focus on the understanding and creation of cohesive corporate identity systems through a systems approach to design with application to such items as a logo, stationery system, packaging, advertisement and other related collateral. The continued investigation of typography and its application will be stressed.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 302:  Design VI for Graph Dsign Comm  
This course will build upon knowledge and skills obtained in GRPH-301. Students will respond to complex corporate identity projects through a systems approach. Students will consider solutions that work across multiple media and experiment with unconventional points of contact with the desired target market
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 301 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 305:  Exhibit Design and Signage  
This course concentrates on the adaptation of graphic skills to three- dimensional structures and environments. Students will study structures and commercial systems available for product display, exhibit design and signage.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 308:  Graphic Design Theory  
The Design Theory course will introduce students to contemporary Graphic Design theories and discourse. It will include theoretical aspects of design, including: making, visualizing and reading. Graphic Design and visual communication theories will be compared to those in other design disciplines. Students will use a case study approach to investigate contemporary design and to write critically about it from their point-of-vie
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 310:  Digital Imaging & Photo Manip  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: VDES 101 or INTD 202 or GRPH 202 or INDD 202 or ARCH 202 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 320:  Package Design  
This course will allow students to apply graphic knowledge to dimensional structures. Emphasis will be placed on the interplay between graphics and structures and the ability of structural design and materials to enhance conceptual communication
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 341:  Illustration  
This course includes original image making in a variety of techniques and media, including exploration of both computer design and traditional methods. Emphasis is placed on unity of concept and media and effective use of visual translation and metaphor
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
GRPH 381:  Ind Study: Computer Graphics  
This course will allow students to pursue individual areas of interest while working jointly with a faculty member. Enrollment is subject to the availability and approval of both the program director and faculty member. Permission required. See the statement on Independent Study under 'Academic Policies.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 301 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: By Appointment - 1 student, Independent Study  
GRPH 398:  Graph Design Designated Elec  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
GRPH 401:  Design VII for Graph Dsgn Comm  
This course will focus on developing design concepts and establishing a visual language that will be applied to various formats while utilizing a systems design approach. The character of the project will support a unified theme/concept/idea for an identified client that is geared to a specific market or interest group. There will also be research and conceptual development work towards a written proposal for faculty review in preparation for the following semester's Capstone in Graphic Design projec
Credits: 6  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 302 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Studio  
GRPH 407:  Philadelphia Univ Desgn Wkshop  
This course will provide students with an opportunity to work on real projects for real clients (University, non-profit and/or industry), thus offering a chance to gain valuable, practical experience while still in school. Students will work in interdisciplinary teams, gain exposure to client relations and the professional presentation of their work and be exposed to all levels of production as it relates to these projects. The course is open to junior and senior-level Graphic Design Communication and Interactive Design and Media students only upon prior portfolio review by the instructor.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 301 or DIGD 301 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 408:  Advanced Publication Design  
This course will focus on publication design and the continued development of projects with increased conceptual and physical complexity. The relationship between editorial content and design format will be explored. Original image- making through illustrative, photographic or any other means will be encouraged. The application of charts, graphs, tables and quantitative information will be investigated
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 409:  Issues in Information Design  
This course introduces issues in the design and communication of typical information categories through a range of design, media, and scales. Topics are raised in the categories of cartography, comparative data and diagrams. Emphasis is placed on exploration, understanding and process rather than on finished design and craft.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 202 or INDD 202 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
GRPH 499:  Cap in Graph Design Comm  
Students develop projects independently and are required to demonstrate ability and understanding of communication design theory, process and principles. The final project requires research of topic, design exploration, development and final professional presentation. The syllabus also requires the development and presentation of a resume and a final portfolio of work selected from projects students have produced during their studies in the program.
Credits: 6  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: GRPH 401 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Studio