About Us

The Jefferson Institute for Bioprocessing (JIB) is a highly specialized education and training center that utilizes commercial-scale, single-use bioprocessing equipment to train and educate the next generation of biopharmaceutical process engineers and scientists.

Biopharmaceutical processing is a rapidly growing industry focused on the development of robust processes to manufacture high-value biologics and advanced therapeutics for patients with debilitating and life-limiting diseases that affect millions of patients worldwide, such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The focus of JIB is the hands-on training of industry professionals through workshops and certificates and laboratory-intensive education of new bioprocessing engineers at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

We understand the critical need to rapidly develop and advance the skills and knowledge of scientists, engineers and technicians in bioprocessing, biomanufacturing, analytical methods and regulatory requirements.

Our Facilities

The Jefferson Institute for Bioprocessing (JIB) is a 25,000 sq. ft. state-of-the art facility designed for the training of industry professionals, as well as the education of the next generation of scientists and engineers interested in pursuing rewarding careers in biomanufacturing

Academic Programs