ARDS 102:  Design 2: Interd Found Studies  
This foundation design studio is a synthesis of fundamental design principles, an introduction to programmatic research, and an in-depth study of design process, methodologies and craft. Additional focus is placed on the analysis of human interactions and real-world sites in relation to spatial organizations, and environmental qualities. Prerequisite ARFD-101 Design 1: Interdisciplinary Foundation Studies (Minimum Grade C)
Credits: 4  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ARFD 101 [Min Grade: C]  
Corequisites: ARDS 108  
Schedule Type: Studio  
ARDS 106:  Topics in Built Environment 2  
Building on ARFD-104 Topics in the Built Environment 1, this course introduces students to central themes in the 21st century design practices. Through short talks, exposure to varied multimedia references (film, podcast, etc.), and group discussions, students explore key themes relevant to the built environment including: experience, culture, technology, preservation, sustainability, community, and more.
Credits: 1  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: On-Line  
ARDS 108:  Visualization 2  
This course focuses on the continued development of drawing and modeling skills as a means for analysis, design development, and communication. Students learn intermediate to advanced techniques of representation and making, further their experience with industry standard software packages and fabrication techniques, and explore ways to move from one tool or medium to another in agile and effective ways. Prerequisite ARFD-103 Visualization 1 (Minimum Grade C)
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ARFD 103 [Min Grade: C]  
Corequisites: ARDS 102  
Schedule Type: Studio  
ARDS 199:  Topics in the BuiltEnvironment  
Credits: 1  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ARDS 208:  Visual 3:Digitial Mod for Arch  
The primary intent of this course is to establish the computer as an effective tool in the design and presentation process. The course will focus on two primary areas in this regard: visualizing design concepts in three dimensions and communicating those concepts in a manner consistent with studio level work. Methods include digital model construction, creating and applying surface materials, lighting, rendering, and post-processing.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ARCH 102 or LARC 102 or INTD 102 or ARDS 102 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Lecture/Lab, Lecture/Studio Combination, On-Line  
ARDS 210:  Tech 1: Materials and Methods  
This course focuses on the presentation of the technical factors of construction that affect a building's structure. Students are introduced to and compare the nature and structural characteristics of the major construction systems of wood, masonry, steel and concrete. Structural principles, as well as building and zoning codes, are introduced and their influence on form and choice of materials is emphasized.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ARCH 102 or INTD 102 or AREN 200 or ARDS 102 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Lecture/Lab  
ARDS 212:  Color: Theory and Practice  
This course focuses on the presentation of the technical factors of construction that affect a building's structure. Students are introduced to and compare the nature and structural characteristics of the major construction systems of wood, masonry, steel and concrete. Structural principles, as well as building and zoning codes, are introduced and their influence on form and choice of materials is emphasized.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: DSGF 203 or (ARFD 102 or INTD 102) [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ARDS 214:  Model Building  
This elective course focuses on the visualization of ideas in three dimensions. Fundamentals of model building are studied from a perspective that stresses the relationship between the design process and the application of current model-building techniques. Assignments emphasize the development of skills necessary to construct models and the ability to budget for time and materials. Mock-ups, quick sketch models and final presentation models are stressed.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ARFD 101 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ARDS 300:  ST: Study Tour Course  
This course provides an opportunity to explore unique topics in architecture not developed in other required or elective courses through study tours. Students may take this course more than once as the topics differ each time it is offered. Course may run alongside, and in conjunction with, another course such as a design studio or independent study. Courses will be scheduled with course name and section number to distinguish it from other special topics courses. Multiple ARDS 300/ 600 courses may be scheduled concurrently. The course may be administratively controlled by the TJU Study Away Office in association with international or domestic associated travel and TJU policies and procedures. The Study Away office, in such cases, will require application and approval for students to take the course.
Credits: 0.5-6  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Study Abroad  
ARDS 381:  Ind Study in Arch, Intd & Land  
For further details, see general description of Independent Study in ""University Academic Policies and Procedures: Common Academic Policies for All Students"" section. Permission required. See appropriate form online at the University Registrar's webpage for more information.
Credits: 3-6  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: By Appointment - 1 student, Independent Study