ANIM 3XX:  Animation Designated Elective  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ANIM 201:  Introduction to Animation  
This course will introduce students to the practice of animation and the various techniques employed in its production. Short exercises involving hand-drawn, stop-motion and other non-digital means will serve to expose students to the fundamental concepts involved. Students will then apply these concepts to their digital toolkit in order to create a longer final project.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 202:  Storytelling/Storyboarding  
This course will seek to give students a strong foundation in storytelling. Emphasis will be placed on visual storytelling, as the storyboard is the script for animation. In addition to story structure, students will explore screen composition and editing as means of relating narrative content. The class will consist of several storyboard exercises, culminating in the production of an animatic, a filmed version of the storyboard with a soundtrack.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 204:  Desgn Essentials Digital Media  
This course is an introduction to the necessary graphic design methods, materials and vocabulary used in the animation and digital media professions. This studio emphasizes concepts in design including color theory, typography, visual abstraction & visual metaphor. Students also get a foundation understanding of Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. Prerequisite : DSGNFND- 203 VSDES-101 ADFND-102 or INDD-102; Minimum grade C;
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Studio  
ANIM 206:  Typo & Icon for Digital Media  
This course emphasizes visual design, typography, iconography and technologies for on-screen design. Students in this course have a primary focus on type and icons and how shape, size, and style convey deep meaning in a digital user experience. Additionally, students explore in-depth issues with screen sizes, resolution, color variance, and use of typography and iconography in motion. Students will demonstrate an understanding of properly licensing and creating fonts & icons using modern technology platforms for integration into digital products.
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 301N:  Motion Graphics I  
This major studio course explores time and motion in the creation of primarily graphic narratives. The techniques of abstraction, motion typography and musical synchronization are studied in the context of increasingly complex projects. A major aspect of the course will be the screening of both abstract films and reels from contemporary motion graphics films.
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 301Z:  Motion Graphics I  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 302:  Intro to VR Design  
This studio course focuses on exploring the basics of virtual reality including understanding virtual environments and how users interact within a virtual space. Two major components of the class are contemporary practical examples and tutorials with new and emerging technologies. Student projects will provide a space for a hands on learning experience. Class discussion portions of the course will allow for further explorations on current and future VR implementations and their significance in the digital era.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination  
ANIM 303:  History of Animated Cinema  
WRITING INTENSIVE: This class will expose students to the range of animated cinema, from the early days of film to contemporary computer-generated work. Class will consist of screening and discussing a range of short and feature-length films. During the semester, students will be expected to write responses to the films as well as conduct further research into the medium and its history. [Writing Intensive]
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ANIM 305:  Comics & Graphic Narrative  
An introduction to the creation and marketing of comic strips, comic books and graphic novels, this course will emphasize graphic narrative theory and structure, the creation of characters and stories suited for the medium, strategies for monetizing the work in the real world and the development of each student's individual style.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ANIM 307:  3D Modeling  
This course will give students a foundation in the concepts and techniques of 3D modeling and rendering. Specific attention will be paid to modeling environments, objects and characters. Students will explore polygonal, NURBS and subdivision-surface modeling and their respective workflows.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 308N:  3D Animation  
This course builds upon the concepts learned in 3D modeling to include animation and character setup. Special attention will be given to applying the techniques of traditional character animation to this contemporary medium. Projects will range from short animation exercises to a longer, character- driven piece. In addition, the class will view and discuss current and classic animated film.
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: ANIM 307 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 308Z:  3D Animation  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 310:  Digital Audio Production  
This course introduces students to intermediate digital audio concepts and skills for use in a broad array of multimedia including instructional applications. Students will generate a variety of professional grade digital audio artifacts using industry-standard software and processes; instruction will focus on common elements of digital audio production to allow transfer of knowledge to various tools and platforms rather than focusing solely on the mastery of a single tool. Prerequisite: DIGD-318 Media Production
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: DIGD 318 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 312:  Motion Graphics II  
This class explores the concepts covered in Motion Graphics I but with the introduction of 3D graphics and video as elements of motion graphics. In addition, the mediums of dance, photography, architecture and painting will be discussed as possible inspirations.
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 318:  3D Animation II  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Studio  
ANIM 398:  Animation Designated Elective  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ANIM 407N:  Advanced Topic in 3D Animation  
This class will allow students to delve deeper into areas covered in prior 3D classes. Topics include advanced modeling techniques, character setup, special effects, dynamics, lighting and rendering. The creation of a character interacting with its environment will drive the projects in this class.
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: ANIM 308N [Min Grade: B-]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 407Z:  Advanced Topic in 3D Animation  
Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 497N:  Animation Capstone I  
WRITING INTENSIVE: This course focuses on preparing the student to create a short film in the Spring. The pre-production phase includes conceptualizing the story, writing the script and creating storyboards. In the process of preparing, students will also learn to schedule, budget and distribute their film. Before the end of the semester, students will have all necessary materials to begin production on their short film.
Credits: 6  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: ANIM 312 and ANIM 308N [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Studio Combination, Studio  
ANIM 497Z:  Animation Capstone I  
Credits: 4  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Studio  
ANIM 499:  Digital Anim. Capstone Project  
This course represents the culminating experience for Digital Animation students. Students are required to produce and deliver a short film, realizing the concepts they developed in the previous semester and synthesizing the knowledge and skills from the preceding courses. In addition, students will be required to produce a finished portfolio appropriate to the industry in which they will be pursuing further work. Pre-requisite: ANIM-497: Digital Animation Capstone Project Preparation, ANIM-407: Advanced Topics in 3D Animation.
Credits: 5  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: ANIM 497 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture