Calendar Type Description
University Calendar The University operates within a calendar year that begins on July 01 and ends on June 30.
Academic Program Calendar Academic Programs calendars are individualized to meet the needs of their programmatic requirements.
Academic Calendars found at:

Schedule Changes

The University reserves the right to make changes to the academic calendars as circumstances may require. Changing sections, replacing courses with another course, auditing a course, independent study, course-by-appointment, or changing a course from graded to credit/non-credit must be made by the “last day to add” deadline. See current Academic Calendar.

Absence & Observance of Religious Holidays

Jefferson is a nonsectarian educational institution and respects the diversity and religious needs of its affiliates. The University respects the rights of faculty, staff and students to observe religious holidays. While academic and personnel calendars do not incorporate religious holidays, the policy is intended to apply equitably to all religious groups and to provide opportunities to all to meet their religious obligations. Non-attendance of class on religious holidays by those observing the holiday will be excused without penalty. No adverse or prejudicial effects will result because a student availed herself or himself of these provisions. The University respects students’ rights to observe religious holidays. Students planning to be absent from a class due to religious observance shall notify the faculty during the first week of classes, if possible. Absence from classes or examinations for religious reasons does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of absence. Professors shall work with students to ensure they have a reasonable opportunity to make up missed classes and assignments.