LS 501:  Molecular Biology  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, On-Line  
LS 504:  Biochemistry  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Exam, Lecture, On-Line, Seminar  
LS 510:  Intro to Molecular Diagnostics  
Course focuses on the techniques, procedures and protocols, as well as the fundamental concepts, of assays used in the clinical molecular laboratory. These assays analyze DNA and RNA isolated from human specimens in order to diagnose human disease. Topics covered include DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, DNA fingerprinting, and other assays for detection of unique DNA or RNA sequences. Laboratory sessions cover contemporary procedures for diagnostic testing including DNA isolation, real-time quantitative PCR, DNA fingerprinting, and electrophoresis.
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Lecture/Lab  
LS 511:  Functional Histology  
Microscopic study of the human body including normal physiologic structure and function and relationships to life processes through computer interactive, lecture and microscopy & digital laboratory sessions.
Credits: 2.5  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Lecture/Lab, On-Line  
LS 531:  Immunology  
Examines basic principles and mechanisms of the immune system in the physiologic condition and in disease. Immune mechanisms in infections, hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmunity, immunodeficiencies, as well as tumor and transplantation immunology are discussed. Lecture and laboratory.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Lecture/Lab, Lab/Lecture/Online, On-Line  
LS 540:  Current Resrch in Biosciences  
Examination and critical review of the literature pertaining to the bioscience disciplines of biotechnology, cytotechnology and medical technology. Students present research articles from contemporary literature for critical discussion. Students submit a written synopsis of two presented articles and one webinar of their choice. Graduate students, in addition, select a novel lab test or lab equipment found in the literature and produce a comprehensive proposal request suitable for publication.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Seminar  
LS 575:  MLS Seminar  
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Seminar  
LS 603:  Research Design  
Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of methods and techniques for extending the scientific base of knowledge for laboratory practice. Research studies which address questions of impact on laboratory science and which are drawn from an interdisciplinary health perspective, serve as the focus for discussion. Research designs and related statistical processes are examined in terms of their appropriateness for addressing various laboratory practice problems. (Cross-listed with NU 603, OT 603, PT 603)
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, On-Line  
LS 610:  Reg & Fis Issues in Lab. Mgmt  
This course is designed to provide a web-based learning approach to teaching the principles of laboratory management. The focus is to present underlying managerial concepts and then assist the learner in the successful application of this information to real-life situations. Book chapters, Internet references and website resources permit the learner to acquire advanced and current information in each of the major topic areas. Learning units are organized to cover four major areas of management: Basic Principles and Organizational Structure, Human Resources, Finance, and Operations.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Exam, Lecture, Lecture/On-Line, On-Line  
LS 613:  Pathology  
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/On-Line  
LS 620:  Labatory Info Systems Mgmt  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
LS 630:  Lab. Services Research Tech.  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
LS 640:  Methods in Bioscience Edu  
An exploration of the modern pedagogy unique to science education and learning environments. Includes the design and delivery of content, an exploration of active learning environments, student engagement, and online learning.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/On-Line, On-Line  
LS 644:  Laboratory Ed and Instruction  
Completion of teaching and learning experience(s) in classroom, on-line and/or laboratory practice settings. Students acquire and demonstrate fundamental knowledge and practical skills in education administration, delivery and evaluation.
Credits: 3-4  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Seminar  
LS 645:  Lab Admin and Mgmt  
On-site interaction with and immersion in administrative duties enabling students to observe, participate in, and evaluate the various functions and responsibilities associated with laboratory organization and management. Under direct supervision of a laboratory director, supervisor, manager, or administrator, the student assesses management and administrative roles and outcomes within the laboratory as a means to develop and refine leadership skills Prerequisite or Corequisite: LS 610 or other approved graduate management course
Credits: 3-4  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Practicum, Seminar  
LS 698:  Special Topics in Lab Instruct  
Completion of teaching and learning experience(s) in classroom, on-line and/or laboratory practice settings. Students acquire and demonstrate fundamental knowledge and practical skills in education administration, delivery and evaluation. Prerequisite: Successful completion of LS 640 and LS 644, and permission of the program director
Credits: 3-4  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, On-Line, Seminar  
LS 699:  Independent Study  
Student-selected investigation and/or experience in a setting or subject area related to the student's program goals. Student will demonstrate the ability to plan and implement a special area of study related to his or her own graduate program and prepare an appropriate written and/or oral summary of the independent study experience
Credits: 1-6  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Independent Study, Lab  
LS 700:  Independent Study  
Credits: 1-6  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Reseach  
LS 801:  Research Project I  
Research using the various techniques and resources available to measure performance improvement, test utilization, best practices and/or clinical outcomes. Students assess the laboratory's role in cost-effectiveness, access to laboratory testing and/or quality of laboratory methods. A written paper and oral presentation are required at the conclusion of the project.
Credits: 1  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Reseach  
LS 802:  Reseach Project II  
Research using the various techniques and resources available to measure performance improvement, test utilization, best practices and/or clinical outcomes. Students assess the laboratory's role in cost-effectiveness, access to laboratory testing and/or quality of laboratory methods. A written paper and oral presentation are required at the conclusion of the project.
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Reseach  
LS 803:  Contemporary Topics Research  
This course aims to provide a solid foundation in conducting quality literature-based research at the graduate level in the fields of Medical Laboratory Science, Cytotechnology and Biotechnology. Emphasis will be placed on how to locate and make the best use of relevant sources, development of an appreciation of scientific inquiry and development of skills needed for the creation of appropriate academic outputs (journal quality review articles and research presentations).
Credits: 2  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/On-Line, On-Line  
LS 804:  Experimental Research I  
Credits: 1  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Reseach  
LS 805:  Experimental Research II  
Experimental Research II is the conclusion of a two-semester course series in which students engage in experimental research under the tutelage of a Ph.D. level primary investigator either assigned by, or approved by the student’s program-specific advisor. The research topic and scope of work as set forth during LS 404/804 will conclude with a summary of findings in the form of a research paper of publishable quality and participation in Sigma Xi Student Research Day.
Credits: 1  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Lab, Lecture, Reseach  
LS 812:  Practicum I  
Internships in affiliated laboratories. Students rotate through all phases of laboratory work and functions. Components include practical work experience, participation in and/or observation of specialty area(s), quality assurance and continuing education activities, seminar attendance, and adjunct technologies.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Practicum  
LS 813:  Practicum II  
Internships in affiliated laboratories. Students rotate through all phases of laboratory work and functions. Components include practical work experience, participation in and/or observation of specialty area(s), quality assurance and continuing education activities, seminar attendance, and adjunct technologies.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Practicum  
LS 814:  Practicum III  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Practicum  
LS 815:  Practicum IV  
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Clinical, Practicum  
LS 816:  Comprehensive Examination  
Credits: 0  
College: Jefferson College of Health Professions  
Schedule Type: Exam, Lecture, On-Line