ADR 701:  Research Theories & Methods 1  
This seminar is an in-depth analysis of the methodologies and techniques used to gather, assess, interpret, and evaluate relevant information in developing a research project. Techniques include, among others, historical, archival, ethnographical, experiential, simulational, survey, mapping, statistical, and qualitative analysis methods. Students begin a core literature review to determine key sources within architecture and cognate disciplines relevant to the area of inquiry and research question. Students define the dissertation research topic, draft a research question, expand supporting literature review, and ideas about appropriate methods.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Seminar  
ADR 702:  Research Theories & Methods 2  
This seminar is an in-depth analysis of the methodologies and techniques used to gather, assess, interpret, and evaluate relevant information in developing a research project. Techniques include, among others, historical, archival, ethnographical, experiential, simulational, survey, mapping, statistical, and qualitative analysis methods. Students begin a core literature review to determine key sources within architecture and cognate disciplines relevant to the area of inquiry and research question. Students define the dissertation research topic, draft a research question, expand supporting literature review, and ideas about appropriate methods. (To be first offered Spring 2022) Prerequisites: ADR-7xx Research Theories & Methods 1
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Seminar  
ADR 895:  Doctoral Colloquium  
This seminar course explores various research protocols in doctoral study. Faculty and doctoral students present work in progress, with an emphasis on advanced knowledge and skills in reading, writing, statistics, ethics, and the conduct of research across diverse specialization areas and professional career paths. Typically, advanced doctoral students will lead seminar sessions and engage with and beyond the doctoral student cohort. Pre-requisites: ADR-898 Directed Research Seminar; Co-requisite ADR-900 Dissertation Proposal or Permission by Program Director.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ADR 898 [Min Grade: C]  
Corequisites: ADR 900  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ADR 896:  Independent Study  
Independent study courses allow a Ph.D. in Architecture and Design Research student to pursue an individually tailored learning experience under the supervision of a faculty member in the Ph.D. in Architecture and Design Research program, or an instructor approved by the Program Director. This course provides students a unique opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor to study a subject of their own choice that is not delivered within an existing course in a given year. The student must plan the scope and structure of this learning experience in the semester preceding enrollment and present a short proposal to the collaborating faculty member for written approval before the intended semester. The independent study must be approved by Program Director. Students may not enroll in more than one Independent Study with the same professor during a semester.
Credits: 1-6  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ADR 701  
Schedule Type: Independent Study, Lecture  
ADR 897:  Special Topics  
This course allows exploration of new topics related to strategic areas in the Ph.D. in Architecture and Design Research program that expand or augment existing courses in the graduate catalog. The course incorporates adequate delivery methods and satisfies program learning outcomes supporting doctoral level research. The special topics course has to be approved by the Program Director. Co- or Pre- requisites: Permission by instructor
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Schedule Type: Hybrid, Lecture  
ADR 898:  Directed Research Seminar  
This seminar course explores the next steps in the research process. Students design the study in consultation with a primary faculty advisor during the preceding semester to refine a field of inquiry. Depending on the research area the work may involve literature review, hands-on activities, software, and a semester project. The course supports students in defining their research question, and a corresponding methodology. Normally a faculty who may join the dissertation committee will supervise this course. Each student investigates current debates relative to the topic, significant case studies and core literature, in addition to topic-specific research strategies. This course is preparation for the Preliminary Exam in which students must demonstrate overall competency in principles, theory, practices, methodologies, and core literature. Pre- requisites: ADR-702 Research Theories & Methods 2 or Permission by Program Director
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ADR 702 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Lecture, Seminar  
ADR 899:  Examination Preparation  
This course is offered as an independent study for doctoral students who have failed their preliminary examination. Students can only take this course once to re-sit their preliminary examination in the following semester. The student works with a preliminary examination committee in this course. Failure of the Preliminary Exam may result in permanent suspension.
Credits: 3  
College: Jefferson Coll of Architecture & Built Environment  
Prerequisites: ADR 898 [Min Grade: C]  
Schedule Type: Hybrid