ARTH 101:  History of Art I  

The evolution of painting, sculpture and architecture from pre-history to the 16th century is covered. A thorough foundation in art and ideas with special emphasis on styles is presented as inspiration for designers.

Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ARTH 102:  History of Western Art II  

The evolution of painting, sculpture and architecture from the 16th century to the present is covered with the same emphasis on styles.

Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture, On-Line  
ARTH 103:  A Survey of the History of Art  

A broad survey of art, from pre-history to contemporary work, will be covered. A thorough foundation, giving context to the interrelationships of various movements across time with a more global perspective, with special emphasis on styles is presented as inspiration for designers. This course carries a mutual exclusion with the following courses; you may not enroll in it if you have completed any of the following with a passing grade: ARTH 101, ARTH 102 3.000 Credit hours

Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ARTH 314:  History of Textiles & Costumes  

A multi-faceted survey of textiles and costumes from ancient cultures to the present, technical- and visual-design aspects of the textile arts, the influence of trade on design trends, styles in period costume and the sociological implications of dress are all incorporated. [Writing Intensive]

Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Prerequisites: FASD 252 or DSGN 423 or VDES 101 [Min Grade: D]  
Schedule Type: Lecture  
ARTH 315:  The History & Art of Color  

This course will review the basic concepts of color science, theory and language. Exploration of nine different categories of color will include the color’s history, anthropology, symbolism and psychology; how the color is made using various media; and how the color is used across a spectrum of applications. Industry specific content includes color standardization and sustainability; analysis and understanding of color forecasting and trend; application and consumption of color by market; and palette and colorway development.

Credits: 3  
College: School of Design & Engineering  
Schedule Type: Lecture