PHP 501: Pharmacoepidemiology
This course provides an introduction to the field of pharmacoepidemiology, which uses epidemiologic methods to examine the benefits or risk of medications and vaccines, drug utilization patterns, and adherence in various populations. This course will: explain what pharmacoepidemiology is and what types of study designs are used; discuss the roles that pharmacoepidemiology studies have regarding drug use and health outcomes; and describe the threats to validity that are possible in pharmacoepidemiologic studies and the variety of solutions available to avert or control for these threats. This information will prepare students to interpret and critique studies from the pharmacoepidemiology literature.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: On-Line
PHP 502: Applied Pharmacoeconomics
This course provides in-depth information on the science of Pharmacoeconomics with several practical applications in real-world scenarios. It teaches the design, methods, analyses, and application of Pharmacoeconomics. The course highlights the context for which Pharmacoeconomics may be used, including informing U.S. healthcare decision-making from various perspectives; the global application of Pharmacoeconomics to inform pharmaceutical reimbursement policies and decisions.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: On-Line
PHP 503: Ev-Based Med & Care Pathwy Dev
This course provides and understanding of evidence based medicine (EBM) entails and describes how EBM is utilized to optimize patient care through care pathway development. Students will learn how to assess levels of evidence and design a therapeutic care pathway to enhance the health of their patient population. The course will prepare students to integrate related information in order to provide a concise plan for EBM patient care.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: On-Line
PHP 504: Pharm Informatics&Hlthcre Data
This course provides an introduction to the field of Pharmacy Informatics and Healthcare Data. This course defines pharmacy informatics and discusses the unique and evolving roles pharmacists play in the application of and management of healthcare medication data used for decision-making in various practice settings as well as assesses its data limitations and barriers. Students will interpret and critique a wide variety of informatics systems and data initiatives as well as design a data project that optimizes an existing problem in the current U.S. healthcare system.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: On-Line
PHP 505: Pharmacy Benefit Design
This course prepares students to apply evidence-based medicine to create cost containment strategies that enhance medication use outcomes while serving to optimize the use of health care resources. Focus will be on the following topics: pharmacy benefit design, formulary management, utilization management, specialty pharmacy management, contracting, pricing, and rebating.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: On-Line
PHP 506: Capstone Seminar
The course prepares students for development and implementation of capstone project. This course will provide opportunities to interpret and apply data analytics, evidence-based medicine, pharmacoeconomics and medication cost containment strategies to improve medication use outcomes.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/On-Line, On-Line
PHP 507: Capstone
This course serves as the culminating experience where students develop and present a population health pharmacy project that showcases their skills in interpreting and applying data analytics, evidence-based medicine, pharmacoeconomics, and medication cost containment strategies to improve medication use outcomes.
Credits: 3
College: Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/On-Line, On-Line